Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Our Hard Drive Machine is State of the Art!
It will DESTROY 200 Hard Drives per hour. We can also destroy all of your electronic media! 
Watch this video to get a better understanding how it works!
Call us for your Hard Drive Shredding Needs !
#Hard Drive Destruction #Computer Recycling #Harddrive Shredding #Electronic Media Destruction

Before & After !

Let us take care of your Hard Drive Shredding Needs!

#harddrivedestruction #harddriveshredding

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Contact Us !

We are here for you so feel free to contact us at


Monday, March 14, 2016

XRay Destruction

At U-Shredd-It we also specialize in Xray Shredding using only Cross-Cut Shredders to ensure complete destruction of your sensitive Xrays. At your request we will give you a Document of Destruction for your HIPAA Compliance Records.
#xraydestruction #xrayshredding

Thursday, April 30, 2015

We Specialize in Document Shredding and Data Destruction!

We Specialize in Document Shredding!

U-Shredd-It is a company that you can trust with all your Document Shredding and Data Destruction needs. 

U-Shredd-It allows you to become compliant with security legistration. 

We serve doctors, lawyers, banks, and other professionals.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Document Containers

U-Shredd-It is a company that you can trust with all of your Document Destruction needs. 
Whether you are doing a one time clean out of your old documents or just need a container for your everyday needs, 
U-Shredd-It can accommodate! 
We supply Secured Document Containers to insure that your documents are protected!
U-Shredd-It allows you to become compliant with security legislation. 
We service doctors, lawyers, banks, and other professionals. 
We also have a walk-in facility for residential needs. 
#document containers #shredding containers #recycling containers

A Team Of Professionals Specializing in Document Shredding, Media, and Electronics Destruction!

Let us help you stay Compliant with all your Paper Shredding Needs !

#paper shredding #paper shredding services #hard drive shredding #electronic recycling
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